Configure the identity verification function of Face Comparing, support non-data-source comparison (compare portrait to be verified and reference portrait without sources). You can pass the liveness detection configuration to FaceID server for the initialization of the FaceID MegLiveStill SDK. The biz_token will be returned after verification is valid.
Only FaceID MegLiveStill SDK Version 3.0 or above can access biz_token for initialization.
Under FaceID MegLiveStill SDK Version 3.0, please refer to the document “Verify 2.0.6” under “Face Verification API”.
Request URL
Singapore: POST
Indonesia: POST
Use HTTPS method in a production environment. Please avoid using HTTP methods as it is an unsecure link which remains security risks. If HTTP methods are used in a production environment, service reliability will not be guaranteed.
The FaceID Web APIs can only be called when accessing FaceID product first. Please contact our sales for the accessing process.
Required/Optional |
Parameter |
Type | Description | |
Required | sign | String |
The signature when calling the API. For specific signature generation method, please refer to "App-Authentication" documentation. |
Required | sign_version | String |
Signature algorithm version.
Please pass hmac_sha1.
Required | liveness_type | String |
Choice of liveness detection process, see values below:
Required | comparison_type | String |
Define the comparison type. The value can only be 0, otherwise it will cause error 400(BAD_ARGUMENTS ). “0” presents non-data-source comparison. The photo provided by the user will be taken as a reference portrait. |
Required | uuid | String |
Upload this field if not to use data sources for face comparing. The field, which should not be longer than 128 bytes, marks the user corresponding to the detection with a unique ID. It is recommended to use the same ID for the same user's requests, since it is very convenient to check the verification results and acquire a better experience in monitoring report. |
Required | image_ref1 | File |
Reference portrait provided by client.
If no face is detected in any of image_ref1, image_ref2, Error 400 (NO_FACE_FOUND) will be returned.
If multiple faces are found in the two images, the biggest face will be chosen for comparison.
Optional | image_ref2 | File |
Reference portrait provided by client.
If no face is detected in any of image_ref1, image_ref2, Error 400 (NO_FACE_FOUND) will be returned.
If multiple faces are found in the two images, the biggest face will be chosen for comparison.
Optional | biz_no | String |
Business serial number. The default value is empty. It is recommended to be set related to your business and uniquely. It will be returned to your server when execute “return” value, which helps you confirm the attribution of the corresponding business. This field does not exceed 128 bytes. |
Optional | liveness_timeout | String |
The timeout after one enters the liveness detection process. The verification will be failed if it is not completed within the set time. Timeout setting: unit seconds, ∈ [5, 60]
Optional | flash_liveness_timeout | String |
The timeout after one enters the flash liveness detection process. The verification will be failed if it is not completed within the set time. Timeout setting: unit seconds, ∈ [60, 180] |
Optional | maximum_brightness | String |
Indicates whether the screen brightness should be adjusted to the maximum when the live SDK is activated, with the following values:
This parameter is only effective for SDK version 3.3.3 and above |
liveness_type = meglive |
Optional |
liveness_action_count | String |
The number of actions when configuring Motion-based liveness detection.
The default is 3 actions; the default is 3, ∈ [1,3]
liveness_type = still、flash |
Optional |
eyes_close_detection | String |
Wether execute eye close detection in still liveness detection. The value is 1 or 0: “0”: default value, no eye blinking detection “1”: eye blinking detection mode. *The liveness detection will be failed if one keeps eyes-closed states. |
liveness_type = raw_image |
Required |
image | File |
Portrait to be compared. This method will detect all the faces in the image, and evaluate the quality of the biggest face. You can set the optional parameters "fail_when_multiple_faces" and "face_quality_threshold" to define the detection standard. |
Optional |
fail_when_multiple_faces | String |
Whether returns error or continues comparing when multiple faces are detected.
The value is 1 or 0:
1: error 400
0: continues comparing with the biggest face detected
Optional |
face_quality_threshold | String |
The quality threshold of the biggest face within the image. The default value is 30. When the quality of a detected face is lower than the threshold, error 400 (LOW_QUALITY) will be returned. Only an integer parameter between 0 to 100 is allowed, or error 400 (BAD_ARGUMENTS) will be returned. |
Optional |
return_faces | String |
Returns the detection result. The value can only be 1 or 0. 1: returns the detection result 0: only returns the comparison result other values: error 400 (BAD_ARGUMENTS) occurs Attention: When the set value is 1, even if error 400 (LOW_QUALITY), 400 (MULTIPLE_FACES), 400 (NO_FACE_FOUND) returned, the result still contains "faces" string. |
Optional | verbose | String |
The extent of detail of the returned data.
The values are below:
Optional | security_level | String |
The strictness of the comparison result. Please select the security rule based on your scenario. The higher the stricture is, the higher the accuracy requires, and the lower the pass rate becomes.
Optional | force_compare | String |
Whether comparison is still performed after a fake face is determined. 0: Default value, no comparison. When a fake face is determined, the result will be directly returned without performing comparison, which can save your costs. 1: Perform comparison. After a fake face is determined, comparison is still performed. It will not return fake face result, but the comparison result. The risk situation can be checked by verification (need to set verbose=1). Attention: The record will be included in the billing logic when comparison is turned on. |
Optional | multi_oriented_detection | String |
Decide wether the image corresponding to the image_ref[x] parameter needs rotation (90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees) for a re-detection when no face detected. The value can only be 1 or 0: 1: default value, rotation 0: no rotation Other values: Error 400 (BAD_ARGUMENTS) occurs Attention: Set this parameter to 1 may slightly increase the probability of misdetection. It is recommended not to set this parameter if you are clear that there does not exist non-axial face image or an extremely low-probability in your business. |
Optional | get_liveness_video | String |
This parameter is used to control whether to save the video and photos during the liveness detection phase. The available settings for the optional parameter are as follows:
Note:the saved videos and photos are encrypted and stored on the SDK side. After calling the verify interface, the encryption key is returned to the customer's server side, and the key field is named "video_key". |
Optional | device_risk | String |
Whether to enable device risk detection:
Note:This feature is effective with SDK configurations above version 3.5.7 |
Optional | verify_risk_detect | String |
Whether to enable comparison risk detection:
Return Values
Field |
Type |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Description |
request_id | String |
Unique ID of each request. This string can be used for subsequent data check. This field must be returned. |
time_used |
Int |
Time that the whole request takes. Unit: millisecond. This field must be returned. |
biz_token | String |
Information passed when the SDK is called. Note: biz_token is unique and can only be used once. One biz_token is valid for 1 hour. |
error |
String |
This string will not be returned unless request fails. For more details, please see the error message. |
Sample Response
Sample response when request has succeeded:
Sample response when request has failed:
"error": "BAD_ARGUMENTS: sign_version"
ERROR Message
Status Code |
Error Message |
Description |
Status Code |
Error Message |
Description |
400 | MISSING_ARGUMENTS: <key> |
Some required arguments missed. |
400 | BAD_ARGUMENTS: <key> |
Error while parsing some arguments. This error may be caused by illegal type or length of argument. |
The image which <param> indicates can not be resolved. The file format may not be supported or the file is damaged. <param> is one of image_ref1 and image_ref2. Please note that <param> has only one item, that is, the first one that satisfies the condition. |
400 | NO_FACE_FOUND:<param> |
No face is detected in any of image_ref1, image_ref2. <param> is one of image_ref1 and image_ref2. Please note that <param> has only one item, that is, the first one that satisfies the condition.
400 | INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE<param> |
The size of uploaded image is too large, which is over the 4096x4096 pixel limit. <param> is one of image_ref1, image_ref2.Please note that <param> has only one item, that is, the first one that satisfies the condition. |
The image quality is low. |
The image contains multiple faces. |
403 |
Invalid signature. |
403 |
api_key is discontinued, rate limit has been exceeded, no permission to call the API, or no permission to call the API according to current method. Values of <reason> are below:
The rate limit for this API Key has been exceeded. |
404 |
Requested API can not be found. |
413 | Request Entity Too Large |
The request entity has exceeded the limit (5MB). This error message will be returned in plain text, instead of JSON. |
500 |
Internal error. Please retry the request. If this error keeps occurring, please contact our support team. |